Rachit Mehrotra




Our Ref:



11 October 2022







Dear Rachit Mehrotra


Licensing Act 2003 – Warning Letter

Re: The Copper Rooms 12a Regency Square & 76-78 Preston Street Brighton BN1 2FG

Premises Licence Number1445/3/2022/00663/LAPRET


This letter constitutes a formal warning. I write to you in your capacity as Premises Licence Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor, I visited the above premises to do a routine licensing inspection on the 15th September with my colleague Corinne Hardcastle following complaints we had received. At the time of the inspection you said that your CCTV was not working as you were waiting for a monitor to be delivered the following day 16th  September.  I followed up this inspection with a letter dated 29th September 2022, which I have attached for your information. As I had no response to that letter we returned to the Premises on Thursday 6th October 2022 to check that your CCTV was installed and working, it was not. You said that it would be at least a week before it was fixed. You also said that you had not received my letter of the 15th, so I re-emailed it and you confirmed receipt. 


As discussed at the inspection and again on the 6th October you are not complying with condition 5 under Annex 2 of the premises licence. The condition states that;

For the prevention of crime and disorder:


1.      Digital CCTV and appropriate recording equipment to be installed, operated and maintained throughout the RDF (Gray’s) bar and covering the entrance following consultation with Sussex Police.  CCTV footage will be stored for a minimum of 28 days, and the management will give full and immediate co-operation and technical assistance to the Police in the event of them requesting CCTV footage.


Non-compliance with conditions constitutes a breach of the premises Licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003. You have a duty to ensure that all conditions on the licence are adhered to. It is an offence under the Licensing Act 2003, S136(1) and (4) to carry on unauthorised licensable activities.  The legislations states that:-


(1) A Person commits an offence if –

he carries on or attempts to carry on a licensable activity on or from any premises otherwise than under and in accordance with an authorisation, or

he knowingly allows a licensable activity to be carried on. 

(4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to an unlimited fine, or to both.


In light of the fact that you still do not have working CCTV, 3 weeks after our initial inspection and are therefore breaching your licence this letter constitutes a formal warning.


I have kept Brighton Police Licensing notified throughout this process as they are the lead agency on the Licensing Objective of the Prevention of Crime and Disorder relating to CCTV. I am aware that they have written to you separately.


I remind you that the Council Licensing and Police Licensing teams have enforcement officers monitoring the city both day and night. Should I or any of my colleagues witness any further breaches of the licence conditions formal enforcement action may be considered.


Please can you also contact me as a matter of urgency regarding the points that require action in my letter of the 29th September (attached) to prevent further action being taken against you for breach of licence conditions.



Yours sincerely,



Emily Fountain

Licensing Officer

Licensing Team

Safer Communities